The AWA has been implementing systems to support ongoing delivery of normal services for our members. The AWA is complying with all directions from Federal and State Governments.
As communicated previously, over the past weeks, we have been trialling remote work arrangements for our member services systems. From Monday the 30th of March 2020, AWA staff will be working remotely.
Staff will have access to usual telephone and email facilities, although we recommend members utilise email as their primary mechanism for communication for the time being.
We are allowing for staff to work their standard hours between 8am and 6pm to help manage the challenges of remote working. We aim to maintain all current services for members, but please be patient with response times.
We have been working closely with our DNA testing laboratory partners. All laboratory partners are planning management of supplies and services to maintain testing for our members. With increasing pressure on mail and courier systems, please ensure that you use mail tracking facilities for all samples sent to DNA labs.
AWA DNA test request and registration systems are continuing as normal. Members have been very active in MiP to SNP DNA testing and we encourage you to continue to take advantage of promotional pricing offers from all labs. Our BREEDPLAN partners ABRI and AGBU have confirmed that they have implemented systems to deliver our normal monthly Wagyu BREEDPLAN runs.
Regulations and restrictions regarding management of COVID-19 can change rapidly and may impact AWA or our vital service supply partners. We have implemented controls to enable minimal disruption to member services based on the current situation. If there is any change, we will communicate this to you.
Lastly, we wish you all good health and our thoughts are with our Wagyu community as we navigate through the coming months together.