Japanese Wagyu Trade Mission: Hokkaido beef plant sets high standards for yield, traceability, food safety

While Japan’s single largest beef processing plant may be modest in size compared with many in Australia, what it lacks in scale it makes up for in attention to detail, precision and a heavy focus on traceability and food safety.

Hokkaido Livestock Corporation is a service kill facility on Japan’s northernmost island of Hokkaido, processing around 400 head per day. The business is owned jointly by the prefectural government and some agricultural farmer cooperatives, processing cattle on contract for a dozen or more regular customers, mostly co-ops or wholesalers.

The Australian Wagyu Association/Quadrant Japan Wagyu tour group had a guided tour through the impressive facility. Given Hokkaido is the centre of Japan’s large dairy industry, it was no surprise to learn that cull dairy cows make up about 30pc of the plant’s throughput, with another 50pc fed Holstein steers, and the remaining 20pc Wagyu – either Holstein crosses or Fullbloods.

Average carcase size passing through the plant is very large, by Australian standards. Fed Holsteins averaging 420kg carcase weight at 20 months of age, and the Wagyu component 480kg at 28 months. In comparison, average carcase weight across all domestic-to-export beef kills in Australia is about 290kg.
Factoring-in that large carcase size, the HLC plant’s beef output of 400 head per day is considerably larger than it appears. Because of their sheer mass, Wagyu carcases are chilled for two days before grading and boning, with Holsteins normally the day after slaughter. Dressing percentages on both dairy steer and Wagyu are around 58pc, with carcase-to-meat yield around 65pc on the dairy steer, and 67pc on the Wagyu, on account of their moderate bone. The tour group hosts said carcase yield is hard to quantify because every service kill customer using the plant’s services had their own prescribed cutting lines, which the boners had to adapt to.

Traceability key feature

Traceability is a key feature of operations, with individual animal and property of origin retained right through to the carton. The challenge in providing separation in a busy boning room and packing area is provided through a series of five metal ‘tags’ which stay with the carcase pieces as they are broken down. The carcase’s original bar code number is electronically assigned to each set of numbered metal tags, through to labels attached to each vacuum- packed primal in the box. Some Japanese supermarkets indicate the individual animal ID and farm of origin on retail beef packs in their stores, accessible via QR codes scannable on a mobile phone.

Food safety big consideration

The HLC facility in Hokkaido applies a rigid set of protocols for food safety and hygiene, ranging from high-frequency sterilisation of hand-tools and equipment, anti-microbial carcase washes, personal hygiene through protective clothing, air showers and hand-held ‘vacuums’ for clothing.

The HLC facility in Hokkaido applies a rigid set of protocols for food safety and hygiene, ranging from high-frequency sterilisation of hand-tools and equipment, anti-microbial carcase washes, personal hygiene through protective clothing, air showers and hand-held ‘vacuums’ for clothing. As a result, the shelf life of a vac-pack chilled product was typically about 50 days.

Layered on top of that are two specific rapid-turnaround laboratory tests for BSE and the radioactive metal, caesium (introduced as a result of eastern Japan’s 2011 Tsunami and nuclear power station disaster).
A decade and a half after Japan’s isolated cases of BSE, every single carcase is still tested, by law, for BSE. The considerable cost is shared between government and the owner of the cattle at slaughter. Despite the relentless testing, no further BSE cases have been found, but the perseverance with testing provided a level of ‘confidence’ for Japanese consumers, Beef Central was told yesterday.

Like all the 130 meat plants in Japan, the Hokkaido facility visited yesterday carries out an elaborate procedure to remove specified risk materials (SRM’s – effectively nervous system materials like the spinal cord) to further negate any BSE risk. All SRM material is incinerated at extreme temperatures, sufficient to destroy BSE prions.
The overall business employs about 300 staff in total, with a boning room team of about 60. Rendering is carried out at a separate, remote site.

The tour group asked about the cost charged to service kill customers to get a beast slaughtered, boned and packed. The response was 14,000 Yen (around A$160) including grading fee – an unusually low figure, which may have been lost in translation, in Beef Central’s opinion. The same cost in Australia is more like $300.

Surgical precision in boning

The Wagyu tour group had the chance to observe the plant’s boning room in operation from an adjacent viewing room. Unfortunately, no photos were permitted inside the plant, but we managed to capture these rough images from a short corporate video.

The first feature that was apparent was the sheer size of beef sides being boned, and the rib eyes, knuckles and topsides being harvested from each body.

The second was the attention to detail in knifework, with the emphasis squarely on maximising boning room yield from each carcase, rather than speed. Bone and red meat were being separated with surgical precision – as it needs to be with a high-value product like this.

With Fullblood Wagyu carcases worth up to 3000 Yen per kilogram (about A$20,000 per carcase) a 1pc boning room yield improvement can add up to big bucks, across a day’s kill.

In a development familiar to the processing industry in Australia, the HLC plant a year ago underwent a major expansion and upgrade, absorbing the kill previously carried out at a second, smaller, more dated company abattoir some 200km away, which has since closed.

As the photos show, the infrastructure for a plant of this size is colossal, by Australian standards. The construction cost for the expansion was said to be some ten billion yen, or A$114 million.

beefcentral  |  By Jon Condon

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It is very important that you appreciate when viewing the AWA database that the information contained on the AWA database, including but not limited to pedigree, DNA information, Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) and Index values, is based on data supplied by members and/or third parties.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information reported through AWA, AWA officers and employees assume no responsibility for its content, use or interpretation. AWA disclaims all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you may incur as a result of the use by you of the data on this AWA database and the information supplied by ABRI and AGBU being inaccurate or incomplete in any way for any reason.

Regarding EBVs and Index values, it is very important to appreciate, and you need to be aware that:

  • EBVs are derived using Wagyu Single Step BREEDPLAN technology developed independently by the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU), using the information contained within the AWA database.
  • AGBU is a joint venture of NSW Department of Primary Industries and the University of New England, which receives funding for this purpose from Meat and Livestock Australia Limited.
  • AWA relies solely on advice provided by AGBU and ABRI in accepting Wagyu Single Step BREEDPLAN software.
  • EBVs published in Wagyu Single Step BREEDPLAN are estimates of genetic potential of individual animals and may not reflect the raw animal phenotype.
  • EBVs can only be directly compared to other EBVs calculated in the same monthly Wagyu Group BREEDPLAN analysis.

Regarding pedigree and DNA testing results submitted to the AWA, it is very important to appreciate, and you need to be aware that:

  • Pedigree and DNA data submitted and supplied to AWA may have errors in it which cannot be detected without further DNA testing.
  • Technology may have advanced since a particular test was undertaken so that previous inaccuracies which were not detectable are now able to be detected by current testing technology.
  • AWA estimates that less than 1% of the pedigree entries, ownership or breeding details in the AWA Herdbook may have errors or which may be misleading. For this reason, users ought to consider if they need to obtain independent testing of the relevant animal (if possible) to ensure that the data is accurate.

Regarding prefectural content, it is very important to appreciate, and you need to be aware that:

  • Prefectural content is based on the estimation of prefectural origin from Japanese breeding records of 201 foundation sires and 168 foundation dams.  As genotype-based parent verification is not used in Japan, and full Japanese registration certificates are not available for all foundation animals, exact prefectural composition for these sires and dams cannot be validated.
  • The calculation of prefectural content for Australian Herdbook animals relies on the accuracy of pedigree records and DNA samples provided by AWA members.
  • The reporting of prefectural content for animals within the AWA Herdbook relies on the calculation provided by ABRI.

If you consider that you do not understand or appreciate the nature and extent of the data provided on this website or the EBVs of a particular animal, then AWA strongly recommends that you seek independent expert advice.